Saturday, May 2, 2009

My trip to Cuba

So what would you like to hear about first, the bad stuff or the good stuff? I mean, we had an amazing time on our trip and the good stuff far outweighed the bad stuff. I think its better to end on a positive note so I will start with the bad stuff.

To begin our trip we had to stay up all night. I tell you this only as a precurser to what comes after we arrive at the hotel, so please keep this in the back of your minds. It was my very first trip on an airplane so I was extremely nervous. Hell, I was terrified. I kept thinking of bird strikes and big balls of fire, but I digress. So anyway, it was my first plane ride. We had been up all night and we finally got to board the plane at about 5:45 am. We had called ahead to reserve bigger seats on the plane because we were worried about the size issue. We arrived at our seats only to find that we had more leg room, but less bum room. The arms of our seats didn't lift up. I was in a panic right away. Tears sprang to my eyes and I couldn't breathe. (I'm exagerating for effect but it was really traumatizing, believe me.) So anyway, Rhonda turns to the people behind us to ask them if they will switch seats with us. There is an old lady and a young couple behind us. The young couple says yes they will switch but after we turn around the old lady leans over to them and whispers (loudly) and I quote "please don't switch with them, I don't want to be uncomfortable sitting beside fat people." No word of a lie folks. We turn back around and the young man tells us that they are actually comfortable where they are and won't switch now. Now I am pissed, and scared and upset. Finally a very nice couple across the aisle agrees to switch with us and we are finally seated and comfortable on the plane.

We arrive at our hotel at about noon. They tell us we can check in at 4pm, which is fine since we can already use the pool and stuff. We go back at 4pm only to be told that our room isn't ready. We sit down to wait and wait we did. To make a long story short, we ended up waiting until 5:30 to get our room and the only reason we got it then was because of the nice bell hop that yelled at the front desk people in Spanish and made them give us our room. We found out later in the week that there had been an accident on the causeway that day and they were shortstaffed so that was why it took so long. We had a few more troubles with the hotel (our keys didn't work every day and we had bugs in our room) but both of those problems got fixed so it was ok. The topping of the trip for negativity was the incident with the doctor. Our new friend Nora was quite sick and she had to see the hotel doctor a few times. Her fiance brought the doctor down to the pool to see her and he told her that she was sick becuase she wasn't eating enough because she was afraid to get fat like her (pointing at my sister). That was the final straw. We went up and complained to PR for a very long time.

Overall the good things on our trip outweighed the bad though. We had an awesome time down by the pool. We tried swimming in the ocean but decided no matter how good the saltwater was for your skin, it just didn't taste good enough to swim in it! We met some amazing new friends and we had a great time with all of them. Our day trip into Moron was fantastic. I got to hold two baby crocodiles and it was so cool. We heard some great music and took a boat ride through the tropcal mangroves. All in all we had a lot of fun. I can't say that I would return to Cuba anytime soon, but I am very glad that I went. I discovered a few things about myself that I didn't know before.

1. I really really don't like flying. (LOL)

2. I don't really need to eat as much food as I thought in order to survive.

3. I complain too much. (sorry staff at the playa coco!)

I am so glad that we made these wonderful friends. Without each of you I think our trip would have been a little more dull. So thank you for being there. I had so much fun with all of you!
I had a great time in Cuba with my sister and I am so glad we took the trip. I will remember it forever.


Shara said...

Carrie, I had no idea you had a blog, and will now be sure to tune in! Those bad experiences....I'm gobsmacked (to use a British term). How terrible!!! I'm glad you had a good time dispite! Thanks for sharing!

Grand Master Schmartypants said...

No problem Shara! Thanks for reading my blog!

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