Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Some men are assholes

so I wasn't going to blog about this, but I have now decided that it is absolutely necessary to share this information with the world. So I went out on what I suppose you would have to call a date, but it was really more of a get together from hell, with this guy who is friends with my brother in law. I had been texting with him for awhile and it seemed like maybe he was interested in me. I must be honest, as we were texting I did get the feeling that he was using me for some other purpose or that he thought I really liked him and so he was being nice to me. I have been told in the past that I write people off to quickly, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt and kept texting him. We decided to meet up on Thursday (the day of the horrible tornadoes). I was up north at my cottage but I said I would drive home to meet up with him. He said he would come down to my place around noon. When I told him it was a 4 hour drive for me to come home, he decided he would be at my house at 11 instead, giving me less time to get home and get ready. I thought nothing of this, thinking that maybe he just wanted to have more time to spend with me. So I had to leave my cottage at 6 am in order to get home in time to shower and change before he arrived.
He arrived at my house between 11:30 and 12:00 which meant I didn't need to rush so much. I was a little annoyed but being in the spirit of not judging too quickly, I let it go. So he asked me if I wanted to eat and I said sure. I told him all the places around there to eat and he chose McDonalds (still not judging). We went there to eat and he paid for my meal (although I don't think he would have if the McDonalds girl hadn't presumed we were together) and we sat down to eat. He proceeded to give me a lecture about how my sister and I shouldn't have gone to Cuba because that meant we were sleeping with lots of random men and my sister had just gotten married and blah blah blah. I told him my sister and I aren't like that and we don't have random sex...he said thats what all girls say but we are liars. Ok so now he has labelled me a whore and we haven't even finished lunch yet (starting to judge, seriously). so then he says he wants to watch a movie so we go back to my house to rent one on the satellite. When we get there he makes fun of my house, my tv, my satellite and my cats. We haven't even selected a movie yet! he poo poos every movie choice I offer and only after 10 minutes of exasperation and one angry sigh from me does he say that I can choose the movie. We end up watching Madagascar 2 because that is what he wants to watch. We had to wait 1/2 hour for the movie to start so I go to get him a drink. When I come back, he is in my bedroom! So now he decides to make fun of how messy my room is (because I had to quickly get ready to meet him), my underwear (which are on the floor from when I quickly got dressed) and then he makes fun of me. He tells me that I am old because I am one year older than him. I don't judge at first but after it goes on for 10 minutes I am annoyed. I tell him that all my friends tell me that I actually don't look my age and he tells me that my friends are liars because I look old. When I appear angry at this statement he says "Ok FINE, you're pretty. Are you happy now?" yes, I'm ecstatic asshole. so then we watch the movie and he puts his feet on me (gross) but I am a nice respectful person so I say nothing. After the movie I tidy up the dishes and when I come back in the room he is in my bedroom again! Now I am really annoyed. He doesn't end up leaving for another hour after that but he makes sure to tell me a whole bunch of bullshit about my brother in law and how he is going to cheat on my sister etc etc. When he finally left I couldn't have been happier. Later, the tornadoes hit and he didn't even text me to ask if I was ok, even though he knows I have a deadly fear of storms. I ceased to have any contact with him..he tried to text me a few times but I gave him the cold shoulder. very recently I noticed that he is now in a relationship on facebook so I decided to send him a message telling him what I think about him, because I realize that it is pretty quick for him to have met someone else and started dating (my theory of him using me is starting to look pretty accurate now). I wont divulge everything he repsonded to me (because most of it is pure bullshit) but he did say that the only reason he went in my bedroom was because I was so emotionless that he wanted to spark some emotion in me. EMOTIONLESS. thats what he called me. Hilarious, absolutely fucking hilarious.

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