Across the street from my house there is a 24 hr car wash, with a year round chip wagon sitting diagonally from it. From my computer desk, I have a perfect view of this scene. You would be amazed at the things I have seen. . Construction workers, businessmen, teenagers and more meet here for lunch, dinner, a snack, or just to wash their cars. The car wash is where its at!Sometimes late at night you can see young lovers sneaking into one of the car wash bays for a little soap and tickle. Personally I think this is disgusting. I know, I know.. its a car wash and you clean your car there, but it has to be one of the most unclean places to "do it." Before you ask, no I have never seen anything more than the sneaking in and out of the teenage love. I'm not a pervert you know!
My favourite part happens after the people have finished washing their cars, and they line up at the vaccuum cleaners to clean their interiors. They leave their doors wide open and have their music blaring. The craziest things happen here. For example, one day there were two cars side by side with the owners just vaccuuming away. Their was a young couple with a golden retriever and an older gentleman with a very large car. As they were cleaning their cars, a car backfired down the street. The dog sprinted into the older man's car and wouldn't come out. Hilarity ensued as the young woman tried to coax the dog out of the man's car. I believe they may have resorted to using a hot dog from the chip wagon to get the dog out!
The best, the absolute best, happened one warm, sunny Saturday afternoon. I was sitting here at my computer just procrasinating and creeping on facebook, when suddenly I heard Miley Cyrus' "The Climb" blaring from the direction of the carwash. I looked up expecting to see a teenage girl washing out her cutsie little car. Instead, I was treated to a muscled man in his mid twenties washing out his souped up muscle car. I squinted through the sunshine to see if there was anyone else at the carwash, but there wasn't. He was alone. My next thought was that this must be a fluke. He is just listening to the radio and this song came on. But then I noticed it. His lips were moving. Thats right my friends...he was singing along! I couldn't take my eyes off of the scene. It was fascinating! The song came to a close and the next song began. I realized that he wasn't listening to the radio, it was a CD. The next song was a classic Britney Spears song. Hilarious! He was oblivious to me watching him from my house, so he continued to clean and sing to his music. Of course, I continued to watch him. I didn't know this muscled stranger that dared to show his love for teenage pop queens, but I was proud of him! How brave he was, to just open himself up to any ridicule that must surely be coming his way. I must say, I was impressed! But that
is just the power of the Coin Car Wash 24hrs. It's a magical place!
You never know what might happen there. Young love might blossom, businessmen might befriend bikers, and stereotypes might be broken. Thank you Coin Car Wash 24 hrs!!!
My favourite part happens after the people have finished washing their cars, and they line up at the vaccuum cleaners to clean their interiors. They leave their doors wide open and have their music blaring. The craziest things happen here. For example, one day there were two cars side by side with the owners just vaccuuming away. Their was a young couple with a golden retriever and an older gentleman with a very large car. As they were cleaning their cars, a car backfired down the street. The dog sprinted into the older man's car and wouldn't come out. Hilarity ensued as the young woman tried to coax the dog out of the man's car. I believe they may have resorted to using a hot dog from the chip wagon to get the dog out!
The best, the absolute best, happened one warm, sunny Saturday afternoon. I was sitting here at my computer just procrasinating and creeping on facebook, when suddenly I heard Miley Cyrus' "The Climb" blaring from the direction of the carwash. I looked up expecting to see a teenage girl washing out her cutsie little car. Instead, I was treated to a muscled man in his mid twenties washing out his souped up muscle car. I squinted through the sunshine to see if there was anyone else at the carwash, but there wasn't. He was alone. My next thought was that this must be a fluke. He is just listening to the radio and this song came on. But then I noticed it. His lips were moving. Thats right my friends...he was singing along! I couldn't take my eyes off of the scene. It was fascinating! The song came to a close and the next song began. I realized that he wasn't listening to the radio, it was a CD. The next song was a classic Britney Spears song. Hilarious! He was oblivious to me watching him from my house, so he continued to clean and sing to his music. Of course, I continued to watch him. I didn't know this muscled stranger that dared to show his love for teenage pop queens, but I was proud of him! How brave he was, to just open himself up to any ridicule that must surely be coming his way. I must say, I was impressed! But that

You never know what might happen there. Young love might blossom, businessmen might befriend bikers, and stereotypes might be broken. Thank you Coin Car Wash 24 hrs!!!
to the right you will see a picture taken yesterday. A lady and her teenage daughter were pulled over into the carwash parking lot. I'm not sure what they got pulled over for but it took 2 cop cars to deal with the situation and they sat there for at least 20 minutes dealing with them. Very strange but typical for the coin car wash!
I love it! You should set up a webcam. As freaky as that it, it would be hilarious for people to be able to watch this. :)
it's so true! The other day during the storm two cops decided to take shelter in the car wash. They parked their cars inside two of the bays so they didn't have to drive around in the rain. Then while they were there a limo pulled up and started using the vaccuum to clean out his limo in the middle of the storm! Totally insane!
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