Sunday, November 4, 2007


Ok, so my cousin came to me to talk about a serious issue that I think we all take a little bit too lightly. Bullying. She is being bullied by a child at school who likes to push her around. Now, mind you this child has some developmental disabilities, but that is not an excuse for bullying. She has told her teachers and they tell her there is nothing they can do. In fact, nobody that she has told has been able to do anythng about it, and we have come to find out that this boy also pushed her sisters around when they went to that school and he was younger than they are!
My question to you is this...what gives someone the right to push someone else around? Why can't the teachers do anything about i? Why not stop it now while the kid is young, so he doesnt go on to torment people when he is older? Because if you think bullying stops when you are in public school you are seriously wrong. High school bullying just becomes more intense and aggravated and is performed in different ways. The age old teasing is still there, but then you have to deal with hazing and dangerous fights. The underdog is constantly striving to prove themself against a world that will never allow that to happen. And what happens to that child that was bullied in school? The bullies never stop to wonder what will happen to these kids, nor do the teachers. These kids become doormats for bullies to take advantage of in their adult lives. The boss who chooses one person to constantly single out in the office, the loudmouth friend who needs to put someone else down to make themselves feel special, or the husband/wife that is so insecure in their own life that they need to pulverize someone at home.
I know firsthand what becomes of that bullied little child. That was me. It takes quilte awhile before you come to the realization that you don't have to sit there and take it. That you can stand up to these people and take back your life. Be strong, be confident and move forward. You don't have to let people walk all over you. It took me a long time to realize this, but now that I have I am ready to face the world with different eyes. I am no longer going to be that girl that does everything for everyone because she is too timid to say no. I will no longer be a verbal punching bag for insecure people to boost their own fragile egos off of me by embarrassing me in public and putting me down. I will no longer be that person that people know for sure will buy whatever you are selling if you are just pushy enough. NO.
As I said, it takes awhile to come to this realization and sometimes you have to hit rock bottom before you do. But it doesnt have to be that way. If someone had stood up and stopped the bullying when I was a child, perhaps it wouldnt have gotten this far. Bullying has to stop, not only for the child that is being bullied, but for the child that will grow up to be an adult bully. What future do you choose for your child?

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