Sunday, May 13, 2007

Bad Drivers

What is it about the nice warm weather that brings out the bad drivers? I know that winter driving can be rough and so lots of people take caution, but summer driving is ridiculous! I have had to do a lot of driving over the weekend and it has been crazy with all the insane drivers out there. Pop quiz hot come to a four way are the second car to stop..who drives first? the answer is the first person to stop! Why is that so difficult to understand? I have almost been hit like 15 times over the weekend by people who think that if they just quickly stop at the stop sign they get to go right away. They don't even look to see if there is anyone else stopped there...they just go! I have given up on patience and I have decided that if they are going to hit me then so be it. I will take them for everything. Its also funny that I would get pulled over and given a speeding ticket when I have a perfect driving record but people who can't understand what a stop sign means are still prowling the streets. They are like an accident waiting to happen. And don't even get me started on the highway drivers. Oh man...the number of people who thought it was acceptable to go 75 on the QEW this weekend was astronomical. And the best part is when they decide they need to hit the brakes because...well just because. They don't really have a reason..they just do it. I saw one lady cut in front of a whole line of cars because she missed her exit in Vineland today. She just cut across the traffic and went across a solid line and zoomed her way through the off ramp. Ok OK I will stop ranting. I promise that my next blog will be sunny and cheery. I promise!

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