Saturday, June 8, 2013
Roof Jumping Dumbass deserves a round of applause... I know I haven't written in this blog for a bit but this didn't really seem fitting to write about in my other blog and I just needed to vent about this situation for a while. I have been having some problems in my own life lately and I would love nothing more than to jump on the internet and beg for help from perfect strangers to pay for all my troubles. But I don't do this. Why you ask? Well for starters, my problems are MY PROBLEMS. I know that if I caused the problem then it is my responsibility to fix that problem on my own. I have done some really stupid things in my life, but I would never expect a stranger to pay to fix whatever mistakes I made. My parents raised me that way. They always told me that I needed to take responsibility for my own actions. An Arizona mother didn't feel the same way as my parents. She felt that it was best to teach her daughter that random strangers on the internet were responsible for her actions. After her daughter stupidly jumped from a roof and broke both her feet in an attempt to land in a swimming pool, Carrie Yunker felt it was ok to ask strangers to give her daughter money to help pay for her expenses. Her daughter, Nicole Easton, (who is an adult by the way) attempted to jump into her swimming pool from a roof after watching her boyfriend do the very same thing. She hesitated at the last second and hit the concrete around the pool instead. She instantly broke both of her feet and will probably be disabled for 6 months to a year. Her mother posted the video online and requested donations to help her daughter pay her rent and bills as she was not able to work. She was hoping to get $4200 in donations. What she got was about 4200 nasty comments on her post. She was shocked and outraged that people would be so rude. She said she would pray for all of these "negative people" and she removed the posting from the internet. I find this hilarious. How did she not expect to get nasty comments from people? She is clearly not teaching her daughter anything by asking for strangers help to pay for her expenses. She actually thought that people would be willing to give her money! It's absolutely hilarious to me. It should be noted that she did get some donations. In total she raised about $180 US.
Approximately a month ago, I had a little bit too much to drink and I fell off a sidewalk into the street. I hurt my knee and it is still healing. If I am to follow the lead of this woman then I should post a video of me falling and ask people to donate money to me because I am a stupid idiot and I need to pay my bills. Do you realize how many stupid people do moronic things like this every day?? If everyone in the world was expected to pay money to every dumbass that jumped off a roof or fell off a sidewalk, we would all be broke!
Come on really need to get a reality check. How about instead of praying for all the negative people that posted comments on your video, you start praying that your dumb as shit daughter will get some common sense and stop jumping off roofs? This might be a better course of action. Or maybe you can pray that your "genius" offspring will find some better friends that won't encourage her to jump off of roofs. You might even want to pray for your daughter to learn that her mistakes are just that, HER mistakes. And the only person that should be paying for them is HER.
The video is posted below if you want to watch it. Be is disturbing in so many ways....
Dumbass girl misses pool
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Remembrance Day
If you are easily upset by the ramblings of an insensitive, opinionated, argumentative, 31 year old woman then you should stop reading now. I have a huge a beef with Remembrance Day. I do feel bad for all the soldiers who were forced to go to war back in World War 1 and 2 and I do believe we should remember the things they did to give our country freedom. The problem I have is that the powers that be have changed Remembrance Day into a giant recruitment day for new soldiers. Originally the day was started to remember the horrible things that happened during the world wars and to prevent more war from happening again. The purpose was the remember the horror so that we didn't recreate that again in the future. Unfortunately, somewhere along the line it turned into a day of remembering the wonderful contributions the soldiers of yore put in for us and it somehow glorifies being a soldier. Its like we are rewarding those who fight in wars. We call the soldiers "heroes" and say they are brave and strong. We act like they are a higher form of human being than someone who chooses not to be a soldier. We throw parades for them and have the "highway of heroes" to honour them when they die. We forget that they signed up to be a soldier so they could fight and kill. They use weapons and kill thousands of people. There are so many innocent lives that are taken during wartime, and yet we practically force our young people into war. By having these huge celebrations to honour war and its "heroes" we are basically telling our young people that they are not worthy if they don't sign up and become a licensed killing machine.
Think about it this way. If I took an able bodied 18 year old boy and taught him everything he needed to know about fighting and combat. If I trained him in brutal techniques designed to destroy whole cities and taught him how to turn off his emotions so that it didn't bother him to do these horrible things. If I then gave him access to every weapon he could imagine and made sure he knew how to use each one to maximize the damage he could cause. If I sent him into your town to destroy all the evil and corruption, how would you feel? Would you be overjoyed to see this young man coming in to solve the problems of your town with his weapons of mass destruction? Would you cherish the thought of him hunting down all the wrong-doers of your society and killing them openly in the streets? Would you accept the fact that there would be innocent casualties because they might get in the way of the end goal and nothing, NOTHING, can stop the end goal? Would you be O.K. with that? Would you watch him gun down thousands of people, tearing men away from their families because they are of the same ethnic background as his enemy, and not say anything? Would you call him a hero? I wouldn't. But I guess I am just a cynical bitch.
I just always thought we were told never to solve our problems with violence. Maybe its just me.
Think about it this way. If I took an able bodied 18 year old boy and taught him everything he needed to know about fighting and combat. If I trained him in brutal techniques designed to destroy whole cities and taught him how to turn off his emotions so that it didn't bother him to do these horrible things. If I then gave him access to every weapon he could imagine and made sure he knew how to use each one to maximize the damage he could cause. If I sent him into your town to destroy all the evil and corruption, how would you feel? Would you be overjoyed to see this young man coming in to solve the problems of your town with his weapons of mass destruction? Would you cherish the thought of him hunting down all the wrong-doers of your society and killing them openly in the streets? Would you accept the fact that there would be innocent casualties because they might get in the way of the end goal and nothing, NOTHING, can stop the end goal? Would you be O.K. with that? Would you watch him gun down thousands of people, tearing men away from their families because they are of the same ethnic background as his enemy, and not say anything? Would you call him a hero? I wouldn't. But I guess I am just a cynical bitch.
I just always thought we were told never to solve our problems with violence. Maybe its just me.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Moving....Again :O
Does anyone remember me saying that I would not be moving again any time soon after I moved into the apartment building? Well, I guess I was wrong. After many months of enduring the endless comaplaints by tenants, the noisy and ignorant Canadian college students, and the lack of intelligence by our bosses, we have decided to move. As much as getting free rent and benefits was a great thing, it just isn't worth the torment we have to endure in order to stay there. It is really hard to be stuck in that place. The building itself is falling apart and the tenants have no problem reminding you of that every single day that they see you. No matter how much we complain to our bosses and beg for things to be fixed, nothing happens. They just don't care about their employees at all! They think they have us fooled by saying "we have a quote in for that and its definitely in the works"...sure sure boss.
We made the decision to move into a townhouse together and I think its a good one. We really like the location and we will no longer have to deal with the annoying tenants. I can't wait for the day that we say we quit. I have grand plans for the ladies in that building! I'm going to let them know exactly what they have done. They were so keen on they won't even have a super to do the basic jobs let alone all the extra crap they expect! They are going to be virtually alone again. There is no way they will find a super for the building that quickly. Good Fuckin' luck ladies! Muwaa LMFAO
We made the decision to move into a townhouse together and I think its a good one. We really like the location and we will no longer have to deal with the annoying tenants. I can't wait for the day that we say we quit. I have grand plans for the ladies in that building! I'm going to let them know exactly what they have done. They were so keen on they won't even have a super to do the basic jobs let alone all the extra crap they expect! They are going to be virtually alone again. There is no way they will find a super for the building that quickly. Good Fuckin' luck ladies! Muwaa LMFAO
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Should "Fatties" be allowed to be on TV- MY OPINION
Dear Maura Kelly,
By now I'm sure that you have been berated enough to know that what you said was wrong. But do you actually believe that what you said was wrong? I know you posted an apology (which I'm sure you had no choice but to do if you wanted to keep your job), but that doesn't mean that you have changed your mind about what you wrote. I don't think you really understand what you have done by writing that blog. You may have contributed to the death of an overweight teenager, or to the subsequent torture of a, as you call them, "plump" individual. Because you are so prejudiced against "fatties" as you call us, you have basically written a permission slip for every bully, in every school, in every country. Way to go. Seriously.
I know it seems difficult for you to understand, but being fat isn't a choice. Yes, fat people tend to have problems with eating too much food, but usually there is a reason. Nobody actually sets out to become a fat person. Nobody wants to endure the endless stares of ignorant people, the constant jabs about their weight, or the hurtful taunts of playground children. No, Maura, nobody chooses to be fat. You said that you would feel the same way about watching an alcoholic stumbling across a room or a heroin junkie shooting up. Have you ever watched the hit show "Intervention"?? Because they show exactly those things happening. As do countless police dramas that air almost nightly on television. But I don't see you writing a biting criticism of those shows. So your claims that you aren't prejudiced are actually a lame attempt to cover your own ass. I'm sure you figured that nobody would actually say anything to you about it. I mean, how many fat people do you know that actually stand up for themselves right? We're just supposed to waddle on by and ignore your hurtful comments. I don't think so.
I see that you have had to deal with the public outcry and harsh criticisms about your blog. I don't feel sorry for you at all. Your apology was half-hearted and too little too late. Your excuses about being an anorexic were a disgusting attempt to turn the sympathy on yourself after you hurt millions of people with your words. Nobody hugs the bully dumbass. I'm not sorry that you had to have a taste of your own medicine. I'm only sorry that you had the poor judgement to write the blog in the first place. Shame on you Maura Kelly. Shame on you.
By now I'm sure that you have been berated enough to know that what you said was wrong. But do you actually believe that what you said was wrong? I know you posted an apology (which I'm sure you had no choice but to do if you wanted to keep your job), but that doesn't mean that you have changed your mind about what you wrote. I don't think you really understand what you have done by writing that blog. You may have contributed to the death of an overweight teenager, or to the subsequent torture of a, as you call them, "plump" individual. Because you are so prejudiced against "fatties" as you call us, you have basically written a permission slip for every bully, in every school, in every country. Way to go. Seriously.
I know it seems difficult for you to understand, but being fat isn't a choice. Yes, fat people tend to have problems with eating too much food, but usually there is a reason. Nobody actually sets out to become a fat person. Nobody wants to endure the endless stares of ignorant people, the constant jabs about their weight, or the hurtful taunts of playground children. No, Maura, nobody chooses to be fat. You said that you would feel the same way about watching an alcoholic stumbling across a room or a heroin junkie shooting up. Have you ever watched the hit show "Intervention"?? Because they show exactly those things happening. As do countless police dramas that air almost nightly on television. But I don't see you writing a biting criticism of those shows. So your claims that you aren't prejudiced are actually a lame attempt to cover your own ass. I'm sure you figured that nobody would actually say anything to you about it. I mean, how many fat people do you know that actually stand up for themselves right? We're just supposed to waddle on by and ignore your hurtful comments. I don't think so.
I see that you have had to deal with the public outcry and harsh criticisms about your blog. I don't feel sorry for you at all. Your apology was half-hearted and too little too late. Your excuses about being an anorexic were a disgusting attempt to turn the sympathy on yourself after you hurt millions of people with your words. Nobody hugs the bully dumbass. I'm not sorry that you had to have a taste of your own medicine. I'm only sorry that you had the poor judgement to write the blog in the first place. Shame on you Maura Kelly. Shame on you.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Daughtry ROCKS!!!!
Last night was awesome! My cousin Veronica bought me a ticket to go see Daughtry in concert. Now this wasn't just any ticket you see. This ticket was for the PIT which was right in front of the stage. That's right folks, we were in touching distance of the band! It was amazing. The first opener was a relatively new band called Cavo. I haven't really heard of them before except their one big single, Champagne. They were alright. They had a drummer that was yummy. He had wicked hair, an amazing body and he knew how to rock the guyliner! The rest of the band was alright. We had some trouble hearing the singer when he was singing but it wasn't too bad. The next opener was Theory of a Deadman, who were so good I would have paid to see them in concert themselves! They put on quite the show. The twins couldn't get over how cute the lead singer was. It was quite funny. He was funny as well, which adds to the entertainment value of their show. I was able to catch a quitar pick from them, and I was very excited about this. After their set it was time to prep for Daughtry. They pulled a big white sheet down so that we couldn't see the stage anymore. This added to the surprise element when the band came out. They had a really cool light show behind the sheet and then it dropped and there they were! We were so close! Of course as soon as they started singing a couple of girls decided they were going to make a run for the front of the pit. Big mistake girlies. Veronica and I put up our "like fuck you are getting through here" defence and we totally slingshot that first girl back! It was pretty funny. She didn't try to come forward again after that. Although at one point during the show she yelled something about us not being able to get a good picture when Chris went back towards where she was standing. But, umm...stupid girl we are still at the front and you aren't! LOL. We got some amazing pictures. The concert itself was so awesome! They had pyrotechnics and a wicked light show. The music was fantastic of course! Chris is and amazing singer. I was so happy because we were on the side that put us right in front of Steely, whom I adore! He was such a ham for the crowd. He totally posed for pictures for us and everything!!! He was so cute. Joey (the drummer) was dressed like the policeman from the Village People and he was putting on quite the show! They were awarded their second platinum album by the record company too! It was so awesome to be a part of that!
Of course today there was an article about the concert in the Toronto Sun and the reporter that wrote it was very critical of the band. She had big props for Chris but she said the rest of the band was not needed. I completely disagree with her! If she had been watching the concert from where I was standing she would have seen that people love the rest of the band just as much as they love Chris. Perhaps she is bitter because her newspaper didn't get her good enough seats? perhaps if she had been in the PIT where all the cool people were standing she would have enjoyed the show a little bit more. This band is going places. They are FANTASTIC!
Thank you thank you thank you thank you Veronica for buying me that ticket!!!!!
As soon as I have my pics uploaded I will add some pics to this blog, I promise!
Of course today there was an article about the concert in the Toronto Sun and the reporter that wrote it was very critical of the band. She had big props for Chris but she said the rest of the band was not needed. I completely disagree with her! If she had been watching the concert from where I was standing she would have seen that people love the rest of the band just as much as they love Chris. Perhaps she is bitter because her newspaper didn't get her good enough seats? perhaps if she had been in the PIT where all the cool people were standing she would have enjoyed the show a little bit more. This band is going places. They are FANTASTIC!
Thank you thank you thank you thank you Veronica for buying me that ticket!!!!!
As soon as I have my pics uploaded I will add some pics to this blog, I promise!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Some men are assholes
so I wasn't going to blog about this, but I have now decided that it is absolutely necessary to share this information with the world. So I went out on what I suppose you would have to call a date, but it was really more of a get together from hell, with this guy who is friends with my brother in law. I had been texting with him for awhile and it seemed like maybe he was interested in me. I must be honest, as we were texting I did get the feeling that he was using me for some other purpose or that he thought I really liked him and so he was being nice to me. I have been told in the past that I write people off to quickly, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt and kept texting him. We decided to meet up on Thursday (the day of the horrible tornadoes). I was up north at my cottage but I said I would drive home to meet up with him. He said he would come down to my place around noon. When I told him it was a 4 hour drive for me to come home, he decided he would be at my house at 11 instead, giving me less time to get home and get ready. I thought nothing of this, thinking that maybe he just wanted to have more time to spend with me. So I had to leave my cottage at 6 am in order to get home in time to shower and change before he arrived.
He arrived at my house between 11:30 and 12:00 which meant I didn't need to rush so much. I was a little annoyed but being in the spirit of not judging too quickly, I let it go. So he asked me if I wanted to eat and I said sure. I told him all the places around there to eat and he chose McDonalds (still not judging). We went there to eat and he paid for my meal (although I don't think he would have if the McDonalds girl hadn't presumed we were together) and we sat down to eat. He proceeded to give me a lecture about how my sister and I shouldn't have gone to Cuba because that meant we were sleeping with lots of random men and my sister had just gotten married and blah blah blah. I told him my sister and I aren't like that and we don't have random sex...he said thats what all girls say but we are liars. Ok so now he has labelled me a whore and we haven't even finished lunch yet (starting to judge, seriously). so then he says he wants to watch a movie so we go back to my house to rent one on the satellite. When we get there he makes fun of my house, my tv, my satellite and my cats. We haven't even selected a movie yet! he poo poos every movie choice I offer and only after 10 minutes of exasperation and one angry sigh from me does he say that I can choose the movie. We end up watching Madagascar 2 because that is what he wants to watch. We had to wait 1/2 hour for the movie to start so I go to get him a drink. When I come back, he is in my bedroom! So now he decides to make fun of how messy my room is (because I had to quickly get ready to meet him), my underwear (which are on the floor from when I quickly got dressed) and then he makes fun of me. He tells me that I am old because I am one year older than him. I don't judge at first but after it goes on for 10 minutes I am annoyed. I tell him that all my friends tell me that I actually don't look my age and he tells me that my friends are liars because I look old. When I appear angry at this statement he says "Ok FINE, you're pretty. Are you happy now?" yes, I'm ecstatic asshole. so then we watch the movie and he puts his feet on me (gross) but I am a nice respectful person so I say nothing. After the movie I tidy up the dishes and when I come back in the room he is in my bedroom again! Now I am really annoyed. He doesn't end up leaving for another hour after that but he makes sure to tell me a whole bunch of bullshit about my brother in law and how he is going to cheat on my sister etc etc. When he finally left I couldn't have been happier. Later, the tornadoes hit and he didn't even text me to ask if I was ok, even though he knows I have a deadly fear of storms. I ceased to have any contact with him..he tried to text me a few times but I gave him the cold shoulder. very recently I noticed that he is now in a relationship on facebook so I decided to send him a message telling him what I think about him, because I realize that it is pretty quick for him to have met someone else and started dating (my theory of him using me is starting to look pretty accurate now). I wont divulge everything he repsonded to me (because most of it is pure bullshit) but he did say that the only reason he went in my bedroom was because I was so emotionless that he wanted to spark some emotion in me. EMOTIONLESS. thats what he called me. Hilarious, absolutely fucking hilarious.
so I wasn't going to blog about this, but I have now decided that it is absolutely necessary to share this information with the world. So I went out on what I suppose you would have to call a date, but it was really more of a get together from hell, with this guy who is friends with my brother in law. I had been texting with him for awhile and it seemed like maybe he was interested in me. I must be honest, as we were texting I did get the feeling that he was using me for some other purpose or that he thought I really liked him and so he was being nice to me. I have been told in the past that I write people off to quickly, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt and kept texting him. We decided to meet up on Thursday (the day of the horrible tornadoes). I was up north at my cottage but I said I would drive home to meet up with him. He said he would come down to my place around noon. When I told him it was a 4 hour drive for me to come home, he decided he would be at my house at 11 instead, giving me less time to get home and get ready. I thought nothing of this, thinking that maybe he just wanted to have more time to spend with me. So I had to leave my cottage at 6 am in order to get home in time to shower and change before he arrived.
He arrived at my house between 11:30 and 12:00 which meant I didn't need to rush so much. I was a little annoyed but being in the spirit of not judging too quickly, I let it go. So he asked me if I wanted to eat and I said sure. I told him all the places around there to eat and he chose McDonalds (still not judging). We went there to eat and he paid for my meal (although I don't think he would have if the McDonalds girl hadn't presumed we were together) and we sat down to eat. He proceeded to give me a lecture about how my sister and I shouldn't have gone to Cuba because that meant we were sleeping with lots of random men and my sister had just gotten married and blah blah blah. I told him my sister and I aren't like that and we don't have random sex...he said thats what all girls say but we are liars. Ok so now he has labelled me a whore and we haven't even finished lunch yet (starting to judge, seriously). so then he says he wants to watch a movie so we go back to my house to rent one on the satellite. When we get there he makes fun of my house, my tv, my satellite and my cats. We haven't even selected a movie yet! he poo poos every movie choice I offer and only after 10 minutes of exasperation and one angry sigh from me does he say that I can choose the movie. We end up watching Madagascar 2 because that is what he wants to watch. We had to wait 1/2 hour for the movie to start so I go to get him a drink. When I come back, he is in my bedroom! So now he decides to make fun of how messy my room is (because I had to quickly get ready to meet him), my underwear (which are on the floor from when I quickly got dressed) and then he makes fun of me. He tells me that I am old because I am one year older than him. I don't judge at first but after it goes on for 10 minutes I am annoyed. I tell him that all my friends tell me that I actually don't look my age and he tells me that my friends are liars because I look old. When I appear angry at this statement he says "Ok FINE, you're pretty. Are you happy now?" yes, I'm ecstatic asshole. so then we watch the movie and he puts his feet on me (gross) but I am a nice respectful person so I say nothing. After the movie I tidy up the dishes and when I come back in the room he is in my bedroom again! Now I am really annoyed. He doesn't end up leaving for another hour after that but he makes sure to tell me a whole bunch of bullshit about my brother in law and how he is going to cheat on my sister etc etc. When he finally left I couldn't have been happier. Later, the tornadoes hit and he didn't even text me to ask if I was ok, even though he knows I have a deadly fear of storms. I ceased to have any contact with him..he tried to text me a few times but I gave him the cold shoulder. very recently I noticed that he is now in a relationship on facebook so I decided to send him a message telling him what I think about him, because I realize that it is pretty quick for him to have met someone else and started dating (my theory of him using me is starting to look pretty accurate now). I wont divulge everything he repsonded to me (because most of it is pure bullshit) but he did say that the only reason he went in my bedroom was because I was so emotionless that he wanted to spark some emotion in me. EMOTIONLESS. thats what he called me. Hilarious, absolutely fucking hilarious.
Monday, August 24, 2009
My family from Germany

For the last 2 weeks I have had the tremendous pleasure of spending time with some of my family from Germany. I love these cousins because I have the most fun with them when they come down to visit. My cousin Andreas brought his girlfriend Katharina with him this time. It is so rare that you get to meet someone who is as genuine and sweet as this girl is. I have had so much fun with her. We got along right from the beginning. She is so easygoing and our laughter flowed so easily. It has been a very long time since I have met someone that I could become friends with so easily. We shared so many laughs and created so many memories. It felt like the 2 weeks just flew by. It was such a breath of fresh air for me. Lately I have been feeling very down. Things in my life just don't seem to be going my way. My personal and professional life has been in shambles. But spending time with my cousins while they were here has helped me to appreciate life again. We had so much fun together. I really am sad to see them go. Today they left for the airport to go home to Germany. I can't remember the l
ast time I cried so hard. I feel like I made a best friend for life in Katharina and I will never forget her. I can still remember when she arrived and was afraid to speak English because she didn't feel like she could speak it very well. But really, she spoke so wonderfully. By the time she left she was laughing and joking in English! I hope that they have a safe flight home. I am truly going to miss them. I will never forget you either Katharina! I miss you already!!!

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